So how do you go from being a cop, to a work from home mom taking and staying away from traditional meds as much as possible?
I am glad you asked.
With a background in law enforcement, I ended up on the corporate side, training officers around the country. With that much time on an airplane, I figured being sick was inevitable. I would get that tickle in my throat typically leading to a shot or a prescription a few times a year. But continued sickness also led to weight gain because I had no idea what was going on inside my body.
One day that all changed when a coworker offered me something different with no side effects. I was about to leave on a trip to do 13 trainings in a few days, and I didn’t have time for anything to get me down. (Do we ever?)
I stayed well the entire trip, and have since continued using the products for our whole family. At the time, my toddler was constantly getting the yuck, and I started looking at how to help her. Since we made this lifestyle change she’s only seen our doctor for well visits.